Hello, world!

This is a test post.

20 December 2017, 1 min / permalink


Don’t you hate when designers do this: “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempora ad quo quae at sint nulla architecto quam temporibus dolorum voluptates officiis, accusantium illo officia aliquam, quibusdam velit unde ab hic!”

A list:

  1. Yes
  2. Maybe
  3. I guess no
  4. Whatever you need

Chaotic list:

  • Yes
  • Maybe
  • I guess no
  • Whatever you need

Some headings:

Heading 1

Ooh, so much white space!

Heading 2

We love it.

Heading 3

Don’t be afraid.

Heading 4

Don’t use heading 5, you don’t need it.

And here is some code:

  docker run --rm \
    --volume=$(PWD):/srv/jekyll \
    -it jekyll/builder:$(JEKYLL_VERSION) \
    jekyll build

Or some inline code: const fileName = 'do.xml';.

An image:

Cool, eh?

18 December 2017, 1 min / permalink